1331 N 4th Street ● David City NE 68632
(800) 230-0569 ● (402) 367-3081
Net Metering Information
Net Metering with Butler Public Power District is the measured difference between the electricity suppled to a customer-generator by BPPD and the electricity generated by the customer-generator and delivered to BPPD at the same point of interconnection.
Net Metering credits renewable energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. The energy a customer generates for themselves is metered as well as the energy a customer uses. Those are then calculated for your monthly billing. Net Metering does not offset your facility charge or demand charge. It will only offset your kilowatt charge.
The following steps are encouraged and required for customer-own distributed generation resources to be interconnected with District facilities.
- Discuss with Butler PPD the potential size of the generation equipment. This is important PRIOR to signing any contract or agreement with a Company to avoid over sizing. Over sizing can result in Butler PPD denying the application.
- Acquire a 2-3 year billing history from Butler PPD to calculate how much of your annual electrical consumption you would like to replace with renewables. Contact Amanda at Butler PPD to help calculate your billing history. (atopil@butlerppd.com)
- According to State Statute 70-2004 “A customer-generator is responsible for notifying the local distribution utility of its intent to install a qualified facility at least sixty days prior to its installation and is responsible for all costs associate with the qualified facility.”
- Complete the Interconnection Application. A sample can be found below. The customer will need to request the official document by contacting Butler PPD.
- Butler PPD suggests that equipment should be purchased AFTER the application has been completed and accepted by both parties.
- Prior to closing the interconnection switch, once construction is completed, an inspection by Nebraska State Electrical Inspector is required. Your licensed electrician should contact the Inspector. This is required by state law.
- When requesting the inspection, please be sure that the application indicates that you wish to receive an Approval Notice. A copy of the Approval Notice must be provided to Butler PPD.
- Once your installation has passed Electrical Inspection Butler PPD may inspect your generation system.
- A signed agreement then needs to be completed by both the customer and BPPD. Once approved by BPPD, the interconnection switch may be closed.
- Important questions to ask your solar company.
- Is Solar Right for Me? Calculate your Estimation.
- Net Metering State Statute 70-2004
- Butler PPD Policy 120 – Small Renewable Generator (Net Metering) (updated 7/9/21)
- Butler PPD Appendix U – Net Metering Rate Scheduled (effective 1/1/23)
- Small Generation Interconnection Application Sample
- Small Generation Interconnection & Service Agreement Sample (updated 7/9/21)
Want to see more FAQ’s regarding solar? Visit the website of our wholesale power provider, NPPD.